15 November 2017

A few weeks ago, a colleague sent me a spreadsheet with data on a public health intevention, consisting of many tabs, one tab per organization. The task was to develop a flexible dashboard to explore this data effectively but there was one problem: the data was in different tabs and its format did not exactly lend itself easily to analysis! Before, this would have been just another manual task of copy and paste and other dreadfully long and repetitive tasks, but I immediately recognize the utility of Python's Pandas library to automate this task so I set to work developing the script. Within 30 minutes, I had flexible, reusable piece of code which later saved me hours unnecessary manual labor!

I would like to share with you how I did this in case it comes up in you own work. Along the way, I will show some neat tricks and explain why I take certain approaches e.g. multi-level indices, pivoting, stacking, list-comprehension, appply, lambda, string manipulation etc..Please note that I have sanitized the dataset and generated dummy numbers, but the format and concepts to be tackled remain the same. Here's a roadmap of what we will do with Pandas:

  1. Set up the environment and load the data
  2. Invetigate the data
  3. Parse the different data tabs
  4. Standardize existing columns and create new ones
  5. Clean up the data using "apply" and "lambda" functions
  6. Reshape the data from wide to long by pivoting on multi-level indices and stacking
  7. Concatenate and save the final results back to Excel

We will also wrap this up into a neat function that can be reused to automate this task and save time. I have posted the code and data on my github account. Also, check out my blog for more ideas on Machine Learning, Python and Public Health. Let's begin!

1. Set up the environment and load the data

As advertised, we only need one Python library to execute this task: Pandas! Our data is an Excel file with several tabs. I like using the ExceFile object functionality of Pandas as opposed to the read command because it handles multi-tab spreadsheets very well.

In [197]:
# Import the relevant libraries...
# By the way, I am ussing Python 3
import pandas as pd
# Load the raw data using the ExcelFile object
data = pd.ExcelFile('reshaping_data.xlsx')

2. Investigate the data

We have four tabs in the file, each representing data from a single organization.

In [198]:
# First, see the sheetnames available
['ABC_inc', 'HIJ_inc', 'OPQ_inc', 'XYZ_inc']

Parsing the first tab for ABC_inc organization, we can see that the format needs a little work before we can use it as a standard dataframe. The data contains the targets of a public health intervention. We can see that our column header names start in row 6, and we have information about the location (district, province); entities involved (partner, funding source); and target year (2017 to 2020). Notice also how row 7 has additional information on the targeted age group for this intervention for each year in the data. The main body data starts from row 8 onwards.

In [199]:
# Take a peek at the first 10 rows of the first tab
data.parse(sheetname='ABC_inc', skiprows=0).head(10)
Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 1 Unnamed: 2 Unnamed: 3 Unnamed: 4 Unnamed: 5 Unnamed: 6 Unnamed: 7 Unnamed: 8 Unnamed: 9 ... Unnamed: 21 Unnamed: 22 Unnamed: 23 Unnamed: 24 Unnamed: 25 Unnamed: 26 Unnamed: 27 Unnamed: 28 Unnamed: 29 Unnamed: 30
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Year1 ... NaN NaN Year4 NaN NaN NaN NaN Year5 NaN NaN
5 NaN district province partner funding_source NaN NaN 2017 2017 2017 ... NaN 2020 2020 2020 2020 NaN 2021 2021 2021 2021
6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs ... NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs Total NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs Total
7 NaN District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 NaN NaN 1296 383 1571 ... NaN 1906 1925 931 5465 NaN 61 353 1091 2409
8 NaN District 2 Region 3 partner 6 Souce 5 NaN NaN 722 232 1848 ... NaN 810 664 452 3665 NaN 989 374 1790 4320
9 NaN District 3 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 NaN NaN 545 585 1736 ... NaN 1890 736 1414 5311 NaN 1215 112 1475 2824

10 rows × 31 columns

3. Parse the different data tabs

Make a list of your target tab names. In our case we want all of them. However, if you only wanted say 2 of these for analyses, then you could easily specify a diffferent list

In [200]:
tabnames = data.sheet_names

Since the tabs have a similar format, we will use only one them for this demonstration. At the end we will combine all the steps into a single, resuable function and use iteration to apply the function to all the target tabs. We will then concatenate and save the results. So, parse the tab into a dataframe, df, skipping the useless emptyrows at the top. I always use "data.head()" check my result and make sure my code did what I expected.

In [201]:
# parse
i = 0
df = data.parse(sheetname=tabnames[i], skiprows=7)
Unnamed: 0 district province partner funding_source Unnamed: 5 Unnamed: 6 2017 2017.1 2017.2 ... Unnamed: 21 2020 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 Unnamed: 26 2021 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs ... NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs Total NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs Total
1 NaN District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 NaN NaN 1296 383 1571 ... NaN 1906 1925 931 5465 NaN 61 353 1091 2409

2 rows × 31 columns

4. Standardize existing columns and create new ones

Make a list of the default columns. We will throw away some but also strip the rest of them for information to be used for new column names. We will need to retain our information on the particular year, age-group and organization.

In [202]:
# make a list of the header row and strip up to the 4th letter. This is the location and year information
cols1 = list(df.columns)
cols1 = [str(x)[:4] for x in cols1]
In [203]:
# make another list of the first row,this is the age group information
# we need to preseve this information in the column name when we reshape the data 
cols2 = list(df.iloc[0,:])
cols2 = [str(x) for x in cols2]
In [204]:
# now join the two lists to make a combined column name which preserves our location, year and age-group information
cols = [x+"_"+y for x,y in zip(cols1,cols2)]
# Assign new column names to the dataframe
df.columns = cols
Unna_nan dist_nan prov_nan part_nan fund_nan Unna_nan Unna_nan 2017_10-14yrs 2017_15-29yrs 2017_30+yrs ... Unna_nan 2020_10-14yrs 2020_15-29yrs 2020_30+yrs 2020_Total Unna_nan 2021_10-14yrs 2021_15-29yrs 2021_30+yrs 2021_Total
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs ... NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs Total NaN 10-14yrs 15-29yrs 30+yrs Total

1 rows × 31 columns

In [205]:
# Drop empty columns, Exclude irrelevant ones and Rename the useful columns
# Note when you drop, you should specify axis=1 for columns and axis=0 for rows
df = df.drop(["Unna_nan"], axis=1).iloc[1:,:].rename(columns={'dist_nan':'district',
                                                   'prov_nan': 'province',
district province partner financing_source 2017_10-14yrs 2017_15-29yrs 2017_30+yrs 2017_Total 2018_10-14yrs 2018_15-29yrs ... 2019_30+yrs 2019_Total 2020_10-14yrs 2020_15-29yrs 2020_30+yrs 2020_Total 2021_10-14yrs 2021_15-29yrs 2021_30+yrs 2021_Total
1 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 1296 383 1571 3250 189 854 ... 491 2256 1906 1925 931 5465 61 353 1091 2409
2 District 2 Region 3 partner 6 Souce 5 722 232 1848 2802 972 69 ... 245 2957 810 664 452 3665 989 374 1790 4320

2 rows × 24 columns

In [206]:
# Engineer a new column for the organization, grab this name from the excel tab name
# This should read 'ABC inc' if executed correctly
df['main_organization'] = tabnames[i].split("_")[0] + " "+ tabnames[i].split("_")[1]
1    ABC inc
2    ABC inc
Name: main_organization, dtype: object

Let's pause and look at the structure of our dataframe so far.

In [207]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 10 entries, 1 to 10
Data columns (total 25 columns):
district             10 non-null object
province             10 non-null object
partner              10 non-null object
financing_source     10 non-null object
2017_10-14yrs        10 non-null object
2017_15-29yrs        10 non-null object
2017_30+yrs          10 non-null object
2017_Total           10 non-null object
2018_10-14yrs        10 non-null object
2018_15-29yrs        10 non-null object
2018_30+yrs          10 non-null object
2018_Total           10 non-null object
2019_10-14yrs        10 non-null object
2019_15-29yrs        10 non-null object
2019_30+yrs          10 non-null object
2019_Total           10 non-null object
2020_10-14yrs        10 non-null object
2020_15-29yrs        10 non-null object
2020_30+yrs          10 non-null object
2020_Total           10 non-null object
2021_10-14yrs        10 non-null object
2021_15-29yrs        10 non-null object
2021_30+yrs          10 non-null object
2021_Total           10 non-null object
main_organization    10 non-null object
dtypes: object(25)
memory usage: 2.0+ KB

We see that we have a 29 columns in all. However, currently, all of them have the "object" data type and we know some of them should have a numeric data type. We also have redundant "Total" columns. Notice that the column names still retain multiple levels of information, i.e. the year and the age-group to which the data in that particular column belongs! This is one of the key aspects of this exercise as we will see in the next step. Before that, let's clean up a little bit...

5. Clean up the data using "apply" and "lambda" functions

Let's remove more redudant columns and change the data types.

In [208]:
# Make lists of the columns which need attention and use this as reference to execute
# You will notice that I use list comprehension every time I generate an iterable like a list or dictionary
# This is really amazing python functionality and I never want to go back to the old looping way of doing this!
to_remove = [c for c in df.columns if "Total" in c] # redudant columns
to_change = [c for c in df.columns if "yrs" in c] # columns that should be numbers, not strings

# drop unwanted columns
# Notice that you need to specify inplace, otherwise pandas will return the dataframe instead of changing it in place
df.drop(to_remove, axis=1, inplace= True)

# Change the target column data types
for c in to_change:
    df[c] = df[c].apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x))
In [209]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 10 entries, 1 to 10
Data columns (total 20 columns):
district             10 non-null object
province             10 non-null object
partner              10 non-null object
financing_source     10 non-null object
2017_10-14yrs        10 non-null int64
2017_15-29yrs        10 non-null int64
2017_30+yrs          10 non-null int64
2018_10-14yrs        10 non-null int64
2018_15-29yrs        10 non-null int64
2018_30+yrs          10 non-null int64
2019_10-14yrs        10 non-null int64
2019_15-29yrs        10 non-null int64
2019_30+yrs          10 non-null int64
2020_10-14yrs        10 non-null int64
2020_15-29yrs        10 non-null int64
2020_30+yrs          10 non-null int64
2021_10-14yrs        10 non-null int64
2021_15-29yrs        10 non-null int64
2021_30+yrs          10 non-null int64
main_organization    10 non-null object
dtypes: int64(15), object(5)
memory usage: 1.6+ KB

Looks like it worked!

6. Reshape the data from wide to long by pivoting on multi-level indices and stacking

Now, on to my favorite part - reshaping the data! This functionality gives you so much power when it comes to data.It's one that I use so often for data cleaning and manipulation given the populaarity of spreadsheets and survey-type data in my work. To me reshaping data literally feels like I am moulding the data like putty with my very hands :). So, we will use pivoting on strategic indices and then use stacking to achieve the shape we want. Currenntly the data is in a wide format, but we need to change it to long format so that we can easily transfer it to Excel where long formats lend themselves to quick pivot tables and dashboard creation very easily.

In [210]:
# First, select the columns to use for a multi-level index. This depends on your data
# Generally, you want all the identifier columns to be included in the multi-index 
# For this dataset, this is every non-numeric column
idx = ['district','province', 'partner','financing_source','main_organization']

# Then pivot the dataset based on this multi-level index 
multi_indexed_df = df.set_index(idx)
2017_10-14yrs 2017_15-29yrs 2017_30+yrs 2018_10-14yrs 2018_15-29yrs 2018_30+yrs 2019_10-14yrs 2019_15-29yrs 2019_30+yrs 2020_10-14yrs 2020_15-29yrs 2020_30+yrs 2021_10-14yrs 2021_15-29yrs 2021_30+yrs
district province partner financing_source main_organization
District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 1296 383 1571 189 854 339 840 773 491 1906 1925 931 61 353 1091
District 2 Region 3 partner 6 Souce 5 ABC inc 722 232 1848 972 69 1205 422 676 245 810 664 452 989 374 1790

After pivoting the dataframe on our strategically engineered multi-level index, we will now stack all the numerical columns. This will give us the flexibility to reshape the data back to whatever level we want afterwards, just like an Excel pivot table.

In [211]:
# Stack the columns to achieve the baseline long format for the data
stacked_df = multi_indexed_df.stack(dropna=False)
stacked_df.head(25) # check out the results!
district    province  partner    financing_source  main_organization
District 1  Region 1  partner 1  Souce 2           ABC inc            2017_10-14yrs    1296
                                                                      2017_15-29yrs     383
                                                                      2017_30+yrs      1571
                                                                      2018_10-14yrs     189
                                                                      2018_15-29yrs     854
                                                                      2018_30+yrs       339
                                                                      2019_10-14yrs     840
                                                                      2019_15-29yrs     773
                                                                      2019_30+yrs       491
                                                                      2020_10-14yrs    1906
                                                                      2020_15-29yrs    1925
                                                                      2020_30+yrs       931
                                                                      2021_10-14yrs      61
                                                                      2021_15-29yrs     353
                                                                      2021_30+yrs      1091
District 2  Region 3  partner 6  Souce 5           ABC inc            2017_10-14yrs     722
                                                                      2017_15-29yrs     232
                                                                      2017_30+yrs      1848
                                                                      2018_10-14yrs     972
                                                                      2018_15-29yrs      69
                                                                      2018_30+yrs      1205
                                                                      2019_10-14yrs     422
                                                                      2019_15-29yrs     676
                                                                      2019_30+yrs       245
                                                                      2020_10-14yrs     810
dtype: int64

Mind. Blown! Exacty how I reacted when I saw this for the first time too.

In [212]:
# Now do a reset to disband the multi-level index, we only needed it to pivot our data during the reshape
long_df = stacked_df.reset_index()
district province partner financing_source main_organization level_5 0
0 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017_10-14yrs 1296
1 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017_15-29yrs 383
2 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017_30+yrs 1571

Notice that the "level_5" column contains two peices of information. This was deliberately done from the beginning so as not to lose any information along the way as we drop some columns and rows. Now, lets use string manipulation to separate these and delete any redundancies after that.

In [213]:
# Make series of lists which split year from target age-group
# the .str attribute is how you manipulate the dataframe objects and columns with strings in them
col_str = long_df.level_5.str.split("_")
0    [2017, 10-14yrs]
1    [2017, 15-29yrs]
2      [2017, 30+yrs]
Name: level_5, dtype: object
In [214]:
# Now engineer the columns we want, one columns takes the first item in col_str and another columns takes the second 
long_df['target_year'] = [x[0] for x in col_str]
long_df['target_age'] = [x[1] for x in col_str]
long_df['target_quantity'] = long_df[0] # rename this column
district province partner financing_source main_organization level_5 0 target_year target_age target_quantity
0 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017_10-14yrs 1296 2017 10-14yrs 1296
1 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017_15-29yrs 383 2017 15-29yrs 383
In [215]:
# Now drop the now redundant columns
df_final = long_df.drop(['level_5', 0], axis=1)
district province partner financing_source main_organization target_year target_age target_quantity
0 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017 10-14yrs 1296
1 District 1 Region 1 partner 1 Souce 2 ABC inc 2017 15-29yrs 383

7. Concatenate and save the final results back to Excel

Now we have all the ingridients we need, we can define a function to autmate the reshape, use iteration to apply this function to any number of tabs we want and then finally save this to our spreadsheet of choice! Notice that in the function I combine the shapes and add an assertion to check that the inputs are correct, but it mostly the same code.

In [216]:
# Now define a function for parsing other funder targets data
def ReshapeFunc(excel_obj, i):
    """ Takes in an excel file object with multiple tabs in a wide format, and a specified index
    of the tab to be parsed and reshaped. Returns a dataframe of the specified tab
    reshaped to long format"""

    tabnames = data.sheet_names
    assert i < len(tabnames), "Your tab index exceeds the number of available tabs, try a lower number"

    # parse and clean columns
    df = excel_obj.parse(sheetname=tabnames[i], skiprows=7)
    cols1 = [str(x)[:4] for x in list(df.columns)]
    cols2 = [str(x) for x in list(df.iloc[0,:])]
    cols = [x+"_"+y for x,y in zip(cols1,cols2)]
    df.columns = cols
    df = df.drop(["Unna_nan"], axis=1).iloc[1:,:].rename(columns={'dist_nan':'district',
                                                       'prov_nan': 'province',
    # new columns, drop some and change data type
    df['main_organization'] = tabnames[i].split("_")[0] + " "+ tabnames[i].split("_")[1]
    df.drop([c for c in df.columns if "Total" in c], axis=1, inplace= True)

    for c in [c for c in df.columns if "yrs" in c]:
        df[c] = df[c].apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x))

    # reshape - indexing, pivoting and stacking
    idx = ['district','province', 'partner','financing_source','main_organization']
    multi_indexed_df = df.set_index(idx)
    stacked_df = multi_indexed_df.stack(dropna=False)
    stacked_df.head(25) # check out the results!
    long_df = stacked_df.reset_index()

    # clean up and finalize
    col_str = long_df.level_5.str.split("_")
    long_df['target_year'] = [x[0] for x in col_str]
    long_df['target_age'] = [x[1] for x in col_str]
    long_df['target_quantity'] = long_df[0] # rename this column
    df_final = long_df.drop(['level_5', 0], axis=1)

    return df_final
In [217]:
# Check that our function works:
check_df = ReshapeFunc(data, 2)
district province partner financing_source main_organization target_year target_age target_quantity
0 District 19 Region 4 partner 3 Souce 4 OPQ inc 2017 10-14yrs 1
1 District 19 Region 4 partner 3 Souce 4 OPQ inc 2017 15-29yrs 974

Cool! Now use the function to make a dataframe for each tab, put them all in a list, concatenate them into one single dataframe and save it back to Excel.

In [218]:
dfs_list = [ReshapeFunc(data, i) for i in range(4)]
concat_dfs  = pd.concat(dfs_list)

This long format can now be easily used for pivot tables and making dashboard charts and analysis by pivoting on any combination of the descriptive, non-numeric columns and aggregating the numeric columns. Mission complete. Happy Coding!

Tutorials 2 tutorial 2 , python 4 , data analysis 2 , pandas 2 ,

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